National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) Awareness Program – CGP (Career Guidance Program) Scheduled Universities/ Colleges. Date: 24/02/2025 Time: 01.30PM UG SEM III Internal Exam schedule (2023-2027) Intermediate Registration Card & Examination form 2024 B.Sc. SEM-1 SPOT ROUND MERIT 2024-28 B.A. SEM-1 SPOT ROUND MERIT 2024-28 B.A./B.COM./B.COM. Semester 1 (Session: 2024-2028) Spot Round Merit List-1 has been published. UG (Regular) Sem-II (2023-27) Exam. Form Last Date - 02/05/2024 UG Semester-2 Internal Examination (Session 2023-2027) Time Table 2023-24 Science Time Table 2023-24 Arts


Right to Information Act 2005



The Right to Information Act, 2005 sets out the practical regime of Right to Information for citizens to enable them to access the information under the control of public authority in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of such authority.

Section 2(h) of the Act defines "public authority" as any authority or body or institution of self-governance established or constituted by or under the constitution or by law made by the Parliament or any state legislature or by notification issued by the appropriate government:. It includes body owned, controlled or substantially financed by the government.

In accordance with the provisions contained in section 2(j) of the Act, Right to Information means right to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under control of a public authority.

This Information Handbook will enable the citizens to obtain information as to the provisions contained in various rules and regulations governing the S U COLLEGE, HILSA (NALANDA) and related information.

This Information Handbook is divided into 17 manuals/sections. Each section deals with units of information as delineated under section 4 (1) (b).

Section 4 (1) (b) (xii) / Manual–12 provides for information on the manner of execution of subsidy programmes. This programme per rule is not applicable to the S U COLLEGE, HILSA (NALANDA) 


SEC- 4(1)(b) OF RTI ACT 2005


S U COLLEGE, HILSA (NALANDA) Website ( It covers all the rules and regulations which are implemented by Govt. of India, Govt. of Bihar, UGC & Patliputra University, Patna.

S U COLLEGE, HILSA (NALANDA) is a Constituent College of Patliputra University, Patna (Bihar). It is Co- education institution imparting education upto Graduate Level in Science & Arts. It runs as per rules and regulations made by the State Govt. of Bihar, Patliputra University,  Patna& UGC from time to time. The College has different bodies/Committees to maintain all types of activities such as academic, financial, administrative & discipline on the campus etc.

Being Constituent College of S U COLLEGE, HILSA (NALANDA) (A State University) all the cells and committees of the institution are under statutory bodies and come under section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act 2005. The applications under the RTI Act, along with a postal order/demand draft for Rs.10.00 obtained (under register cover) in favour of PrincipalS U COLLEGE, HILSA (NALANDA)are handed over the office. All information about the college under section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act. 2005 hence, are open for the public and any of them can be obtained by a citizen of India. For further information please contact- _______ (Office). Mob. No. : ___________